October 22, 2024

As It Happened – The Killing of Kennedy (1993)

Few people alive on November 22nd 1963 have forgotten that day.

JFK Poster

Director: Steve Ruggi
Producer: George Carey
Production Manager: Vivienne Steele
Production Secretary: Amanda Quaile
DOP: Philip Bonham Carter
Sound Recordist: Peter Edwards*
* BAFTA TV Craft Award (Nominee, 1994)
Composer: Barrington Pheloung
Editor: Paul Carlin
Assistant Camera: Mark Hamilton
Prod Company: Barraclough Carey Productions

Documentary / English
4:3 / Betacam 400sp / Color(PAL) /

DISTRIBUTOR: Channel 4 (1993) (UK)
RELEASE DATE: 14 November 1993

Selected Press/Links:
“JFK” on IMDb
“JFK” on BFI website

Cast include:
President Gerald Ford
Walter Cronkite
Arthur Schlesinger Jr.
Governor John Connally
Jim Leavelle
Ben Bradlee Jr.
Nicholas Katzenbach
Marina Oswald

Locations include:
Andrews Air Force Base, Washington, USA
Arlington Cemetery
Bethesda Naval Hospital
Black Rock, CBS Studios, New York, USA
Dallas City Jail & Book Depositary
Hyannisport, Boston, Massachusetts, USA
Marriott Las Palmas, Palm Springs
Mortimer’s Restaurant, New York, USA
Picos Ranch, Texas, USA
White House & Capitol Building, Washington, USA

Crew @ Dealey-Plaza, Dallas
From Left:
Peter Edwards (Sound)
Steve Ruggi (Director)
Philip Bonham Carter (DOP)
Photo: Mark Hamilton (Assistant)